
Villain Campaign Part 2

Deviation Actions

xShadow-Linkx's avatar
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<LoZ-Queen-Gohma>Ahh, children, do you feel that? I sense fate is playing in the air, and something's going to happen today! Isn't that exciting, darlings? Perhaps if we went on a walk, we could find out exactly what the Goddesses have in store for us! Oh, fun~ Come along, my lovely larvae. Those wretched Kokiri brats will make a fine dinner, but perhaps we should spend our time killing stronger humans (although such a thing seems like an oxymoron). Come! To Hyrule CastleTown, then.

The Fields appear as normal as ever. How rather dull. However, I know something's going to happen. After all, I am Queen. As such, I would know, being of regal descent and therefore blessed by the golden Goddesses of Hyrule themselves. Shame that I haven't had enough of their blessings to kill that wretched hero boy. ...Whom, now that I think of it, haven't seen in a long time. Even his various other 'selves' were missing. Vio... well, I'm not surprised to not see him. I did poison him. Shadow... Where is my dear Shadow, anyway? Hmm. Perhaps I'll see him today, if fate allows.

<xShadow-Linkx>Shadow was pacing under a shadow of a tree in Hyrule field. He had noticed the leaves were changing colors and the air was getting a bit chilly. Soon that little protection from the trees would be temporarily gone till the snow came. But that wasn't the point on why he was pacing around like he was. Since he had gotten back into this timeline he felt darkness was flowing into it. And this wasn't normal darkness how it felt. It felt like it was calling to him….telling him to come to wherever it was. Shadow looked towards karkariko village. It had to be there. That thing that was beckoning him to come.

"The piece for shadows has to be there. The amount of darkness that's suddenly here is…intoxicating. I have to get it now I don't care about asking anyone about translating that dusty old book!" He said aloud not thinking about who heard it. Shadow kept looking towards the village waiting for the sun to set. He hadn't even paid attention to he's surroundings to see that Gohma was in the distance.

<Evil-Phantom-Bellum>Something felt different in the large field of the past Hyrule since his last visit, and this time it wasn't its size, which would leave an inhabitant of flooded Hyrule, or those in the World of the Ocean King for that matter, in complete awe.

Bellum definitely didn't favor this world in the least, even if it did once supply him with an enormous amount of the precious Life Force he adored. It needed much more water in his opinion, for it was far too dry, a simple lake and a few rivers or ponds here and there was just too bizarre to him.

The Phantom slid his tongue across his smooth lower lip, catching the scent of the area on his taste buds. The air smelled tainted, and this confirmed his suspicions. The oddly high amount of darkness radiated from somewhere, but where? Retracting his tongue, Bellum's lips curve into a demented grin. Finding the origins of this darkness would be similar to a hunt, which filled him with a remarkable amount of exuberance.

But first, he would need to locate Shadow. Bellum knew that he was like a metal detector for this type of stuff, that, and he would be seriously pissed off if Bellum tried to find the origin of the darkness by himself.

Surely the boy was here, even Bellum found that obvious as he wandered around the field, keeping a sharp lookout for his adopted brother. Instead, he spots a rather blurry formation in the distance. The Evil Phantom's eyesight had just now began to slowly, and not too comfortably, heal, causing his sight to synchronously pulsate and fog. However, despite not knowing what it was, he began to drift towards it, his bare feet barely brushing against the grass. Getting closer and closer, he realizes he's seen it before, recognizing the tall arachnid, Queen Gohma. Perhaps she would know where his brother was? After all, Shadow did have a large bond with her from what Bellum had heard, so why not ask?

"Ah, Queen Gohma, have you seen my brother, Shadow Link, by any chance?" The dark-haired child asks courteously, trying his uttermost best to be polite towards the Queen despite his usual clumsy, careless demeanor. After all, she was, you know, a Queen of course.

<LoZ-Queen-Gohma>"Mm?" I turn, seeing the young man whom dear Shadow considered a brother to him. Looking for him, was he? At this time, one of my children crawls over and notifies me of his presence in Kakariko Village. Kakariko Village? Sounds like he's aiming to destroy the village again. With a small grin, I thank the little larva and turn back to Bellum, regarding the boy. "I do know something of his location, yes. Are you looking for him, dear?" I nod and point a pincer in the direction of the village, in the shadows of Death Mountain in the distance. "He's in Kakariko Village, darling." My children are such sweethearts, helping out their mother as such. My lovely little children, I love them so~
<xShadow-Linkx>Shadow had finally gotten to Kakariko a few moments ago. He hadn't known one of Gohma's larvas had tracked him down and retreated back to Gohma. All that was in his mind finding the source and take control of it. He really had Vaati's blood in him if he was getting this obsessed with something filled with power. Then again…. It couldn't be helped once you got lied to by Ganon. "Stupid pig promises land and letting you live in the light world and then smashes that dream when he got forceful about the hero's getting near."He thought, his clawed hand digging into dirt .

"I'll show him and everyone that thinks I'm just some puppet. And the first thing I'll do about it is burn this place to the ground and release all the living dead it that it somehow…. 'seals'. Shadow smirked.

Evil-Phantom-Bellum>Kakariko... Why hadn't Bellum thought of the place sooner? With a quick bow, he thanks the queen and wanders over to what he thinks is Kakariko Village, but ends up being a tree with a small patch of flowers that were slowly wilting due to the temperature change the Hylians called Autumn and growing around its roots.

Wrong tall-thing, dummy, this one was obviously too short and not smooth enough. Removing his attention at the long brown thing with green stuff on it, he looks over at the giant long brown thing with the smoke above it, Bellum rolls his eyes to himself as a "Oh duh, you dum-dum.", and decides to bump the palm of his hand against his forehead (like you would see in a "Coulda had a V8" commercial). Aha! The village was sure to be at the blurry mountain's base as he remembered. Heading towards the giant blurry brown thing with the houses and people under it, he stops, looks down at the grass while he was on his hands and knees to get a much better view of it, of course, and notices a single blade of grass that happened to be significantly greener than the others around it. "Heh." Bellum lets out a chuckle and grins at it.

That blade of grass. Was awesome.

The boy plucks the blade of grass out of the ground and puts it away for later, in case he wanted to see it again, and besides, he just HAD to show it to Lenna. This time, he manages to get into the village without any further distractions, and floats over to the shadows the looming Death Mountain had cast. For some reason, nobody in the place had recognized him. Bellum guessed they were either dummies or it was his new outfit. He liked to think it was the first one, though. "Hey." Bellum says, looking around the shaded area with his bizarrely colored eyes. "Hey, where are you, brother?"
<LoZ-Queen-Gohma> Silly boy. He appears mostly blind. I follow, my children in tow, to ensure that he managed to find Shadow dear. I look around; where is that boy? Oh? Do you see him children? In a more remote section of the village, is he? I lightly tap Bellum's shoulder for his attention. "Allow me to lead you to him, dear. My children know where he is."

As expected, the children do wonder what their adoptive brother is doing; but they do not disturb him. I gesture for the ally child to follow as I crawl behind my children, who are leading me. I do indeed find him; appearing to look for something.

<xShadow-Linkx>Just looking around and not paying attention.(/fail)

<Evil-Phantom-Bellum>Bellum bows once again as a "thank you" to the Queen Gohma and runs up to Shadow, who was very easy to find due to Bellum's ability to sense Life Force, and of course the Evil Phantom of all people, without the sense or not, could find Shadow; his adopted brother.

"BRO!"He screeches in Shadow Link's ear with a derpy smile, grabbing on to him from behind and embracing him in one tight-ass hug, "I FOUND YOU!"
<LoZ-Queen-Gohma>Mm~ I wonder what Shadow dear is looking for? I suppose I'll sit back and find out. No need to be impatient to address the matters of those I consider my children; it would be rude and intrusive to ask so bluntly the moment they came into view. Instead, I remain quiet and crawl onto the rooftop of the nearest building, and my children join me, politely allowing Shadow to do as he wished; even though Bellum had already decided to tackle-hug the shadow child.

<xShadow-Linkx> Finally snapped out of his thoughts and being suddenly clung to, Shadow let out a startled scream."What in Din's name, Bellum! I nearly pin pointed that shadow piece!"He yelled, still worked up from being startled like that.

<Evil-Phantom-Bellum>Shadow peice? Yes, of course it was, the smell of darkness purging from this area was strong and lingering. Bellum giggles at Shadow's panic, it was funny when he was scared. "Whoops, sorryyy~" The dark haired boy laughs, and pulls out that awesome blade of grass to show Shadow. "Oh, and I know this isn't the best time, but you just HAVE to see this plant thing, it's hysterical!" He exclaims and holds it right up in front of Shadow's eyes, before realizing the more important matter at the moment. "Oh yeah the shadow piece thingy, right."

<LoZ-Queen-Gohma>"Shadow piece?" This is mostly a mutter to myself, but my children begin to discuss the possible meaning of what they meant quietly amongst themselves. I do wonder what they mean by 'shadow piece' ... piece of what, for example? A tool of darkness, judging by the name, but what kind of tool? Intriguing...

<xShadow-Linkx>Shadow just rolled his eyes. It looked like any other ordinary piece of grass to him."It's nice."He lied. "Now get your head out of the clouds so we can think up of a plan on getting this thing." This really wasn't like him. If Shadow ordered anyone around it was those hinoxes at the tower of flames or anyone that was weaker than him. He knew better then to boss Bellum or anyone else that was stronger than him around.

<Evil-Phantom-Bellum> Head out of the clouds? But he wasn't THAT tall, GOSH, SILLY BROTHER. How could his head be anywhere near the clouds? Oh well, with a frown, Bellum puts away his awesome blade of grass and stares at Shadow. "Are you okay? You're acting a lot like Lenna's sister." Bellum asks, pretty much saying Shadow was being bossy (and incredibly a little bit pissy), which was not like him at all. Sure he could be a sarcastic little prankster, but right now he was just acting ...bizarre, and of course being his adopted brother, Bellum would notice right off the bat.

Bellum sits down and begins to think hardcore Winnie the Pooh style, because when this Phantom boy tries to think normally, he ends up with terrible ideas, so to get an average thought on things, he had to think SO HARD his face had to be serious too (not really, it actually looked pretty ...special).


Now, feeling pretty proud of himself for that incredible rocket-scientistesque thinking he did there, the thief stands up with a rather smug grin across his face. Who cares if Shadow practically gave away the answer to everything, Bellum forgot what he said anyway. The Evil Phantom was so totally awesome, in fact, he was almost as awesome as that blade of grass, and with one last nod of self-satisfaction, the boy finally replies. "WELL THEN~ Since you're practically a shadow-detector thingy, it'll be easier than breathing to find the piece-thingy, right?"

<LoZ-Queen-Gohma>Hmm... I'd best keep tabs on this little adventure of theirs, hmm, my children? Yes, I can see myself being of use... This 'rod' of theirs sounds rather interesting. I don't have to ask; they have to accept my assistance. Not that they need it, of course; as the young blind man has already pointed out, Shadow-dear can probably sniff out that little piece of whatever their looking for quite easily. However, when it comes to keeping it... I doubt they'd find it without a blasted hero getting in the way. That's where I come in. And, of course, possibly retrieving it if it proves dangerous for two young children.

<xSkulkidx> Skull kid walked throught the forest and approached an old favorite spot of his. The windmill of Kakariko. He walked over the archway above the village and laid down happily and listened to the clucking of cuccos, the gentle breeze making the windmill creak, and the soft sound of music coming from the inside of the windmill. He smiled and closed his eyes, his senses sharpening, when he thought he heard a voice. He looked up and around, not seeing many villagers talking. It was odd. Almost like something had spooked the lot of them. He turned his head to hear where the voices were coming from. The area just before the graveyard, or thereabouts. The voices sounded different. He didn't recognise them. no... One sounded familiar... But where had he heard it? After meeting many people over a course of 400 years, one tends not to have the best of memory when it comes to people... ALZHEIMERS He decided to play it safe and sink into the ground, merging himself with nature so he could take a peek as to who these people may be that seemed to have scared the villagers into hiding...

<xShadow-Linkx>"…..I'm not a detector. I can just feel its power going through me. Anyway. I already know its deep in the grave yard. But. I don't what's inside that grave. So the chances are its not going to be a piece of cake."Shadow sighed."And if I remember correctly from over hearing those villagers there's a shadow temple in that grave. That's where I think its hiding at."He got up and stretched and looked over to where Gohma was at."Gohma. Since I have a good guess you'll be following us. Do you perhaps know anything about the Shadow Temple?"

<Evil-Phantom-Bellum>Stood there with that oh-so-smug grin. Man Bellum was feelin' good from puttin' his mind to use like that. So damn awesome.

<LoZ-Queen-Gohma>"The Shadow Temple? Yes, I do know a fair bit about the place. I've been there a few times." I pause for a moment, recalling previous experiences and my knowledge of the place. "It was originally a hideout for the Sheikah Race. If I recall correctly, everyone who died in the temple in a massacre ages ago haunt its walls to this day. It's full of illusions and traps, bottomless pits and the undead. A friend of mine; Lord Bongo Bongo; resides in the temple; chances are, if something of the caliber you've described exists in the Shadow Temple, chances are that Lord Bongo Bongo has it by now."

I grin. "I can take you to him, quickly and easily." I lower a pincer to serve as a means for the boys to get on my back, offering them a ride.

<xSkulkidx> Skull kid flowed with the earth slowly. Creeping up on the voices, until he saw the three. He nearly jumped out in fright when he caught sight of Gohma, the queen parasite, and big ass spider. Always spiders. Why were spiders always so scary? He ignored his fear and looked at the other two. An armored and pale skinned boy, and.. Well, well, well... Shadow... He had met Shadow once before, and it was through a slip up that he was discovered. Thank Din that the Princess was there to listen to his story... Skully flowed foreward, listening closely to what they were saying. Gohma suddenly spoke up. Something about... The Shadow temple?... Bongo Bongo?... and a piece... Piece of what? Piece of heart?... a piece of candy? What did they mean?... He had to follow and find out. Whatever it was... He didn't have a good feeling about it...

<xShadow-Linkx>A little smirk came on Shadow's face at hearing those words from Gohma. A quick ride to the master himself without wearing one's self down from all those traps was always a great thing to him. He climbed up and settled down on Gohma's back."That name sounds familiar."

<Evil-Phantom-Bellum>Bellum, with a shitload of excitement, climbs up on the Queen Gohma's back and sits beside Shadow. He was pretty much acting like a little boy who got a new video game, sitting in the car wiggling around in his seat, simply unable to take the long ride home before he could actually play it.

Oh. My. Goddesses. Who cares if you can fly if you can get a free ride from Gohma-?!

The Evil Phantom bites his lower lip. First that awesome piece of grass, NOW THIS-?? Today had to be the best. day. ever.

<LoZ-Queen-Gohma>"It should," I reply to Shadow-dear. "Bongo Bongo is known to be a Lord of Shadows. Now, hold on tight, dears!"

With that, I jump from building to building, quickly reaching the graveyard and the cliff where the Shadow Temple was. Crawling into the cave-like entrance, I make my way swiftly through the haunted hallways, ignoring every tortured groan of every ghost that lurked in this place. None of the illusionary walls fooled me, and when I went right through them I seemed to be slipping through solid matter that wasn't really there. Dodging traps meant to take out pathetic Hylians and resisting forces that would push out any normal creature, I eventually come to an area that seems to simply be a giant pit; and on the other side is the boss room door.

"Are you two alright back there, dears?" I shift so that they may be more comfortable before looking forward again and jumping from black wall to black wall, making it to the other side, and forcing open the door. I then crawl inside, on the wall so that the children won't fall, looking over the giant gaping hole in the floor. "Down there is Lord Bongo Bongo's lair."

<xSkulkidx> Skull kid flowed along behind the group, watching Shadow carefully. He had an eerie feeling here, and about Shadow being here too. Something felt... Off... Wrong... He shuddered inwardly and pushed forward, creeping along the walls, and passing through the matter of dead plants. It felt wrong to be passing through something dead... He was used to the warmth of life. Here it was cold, and empty... Seemed a perfect place for Majora to reside if ever released... He shook his head of darker thoughts and focused on what Gohma seemed to be saying. Something about Lord Bongo Bongo.... Where had he heard that before?... The name sounded familiar... What would this Bongo Bongo character look like? A small pudgy man with a set of drums? He smiled a bit, thinking that it was odd for a man like what he imagined to be residing in this dark dank and ominous temple. He felt like at any moment something was going to reach out and grab hold of him.

<LoZ-BongoBongo>Off the ceiling of his ancient prison cell, now his lair, the Shadow Lord sits near the center of his large drum, tapping his fingers on the tight skin of it. In the center of the drum, lays a dark object, floating, and spinning. It was maintaining the dark power around it. Bongo, sensing souls among the temple, and looks up the hole leading up from his lair with his remaining eye. He knew one of them right off the bat.

"You may enter, Gohma." He says. "Just try not to drop on the darkness being focused on the drum. I don't want to know what unimaginable power this thing could release if accidentally mishandled." He focuses back on the object, and fuses his feet into the drum, to prevent himself from bouncing wildly when the Queen would land.

<xShadow-Linkx>'Like some shadow lord or Dezral can control me.' He thought as Gohma hurried through the area like it was nothing. As they reached the hole that lead down to Bongo's lair, Shadow could feel the item's actual presences now. To him it felt like it was just oozing with an unlimited source of darkness. He had to steal this now. No matter what it takes this thing was going to be his and his only. Without even thinking he stood up and jumped off of Gohma and into the hole. Before landing he began to float gently down and stayed floating a foot and a half from the ground. A grin appeared on Shadow's face as he looked right at the silver rod with dark violet markings.

<Evil-Phantom-Bellum>That was totally awesome.

Bellum, balls off the walls hyper now, watches Shadow closely. Hopefully when he touched that silver-ish stick thingy the Evil Phantom could barely make out with his pathetic eyesight he wouldn't go batshit insane or anything. Maybe he would become something sorta like Bellum's Life Force crazy? They could run through Hyrule Field and look at grass all day if that was the case. That would be excellent fun to Bellum. Indeed it would.

<LoZ-Queen-Gohma>"Wh-!" I was about to crawl down there safely when Shadow jumped down. "Shadow!" I crawl down the gaping hole and over the cieling of the lair, holding onto Bellum with the pincers on my back to make sure he didn't fall, then I jump from the wall to the side of the drum that Bongo Bongo owned. "Shadow, dear, I don't suppose this was what you were looking for...?" I look at the object. Shiny. It didn't look like much, but judging by Shadow's reaction... But I doubt Lord Bongo Bongo would allow him to simply take it.
<xSkulkidx> Skull Kid dashed forward, trying to keep up, passing through the decayed plant matter caking the walls and behind everyone. He looked at the small staff like object in the center and felt chills run through his body. Whatever it was, it wasn't good. And if Shadow wanted it, he couldn't let him have it. He felt the same sort of sense of anxiety from the staff that he felt from Majora's Mask at that moment. He moved to a better pint and readied himself to jump. If Shadow even reached for that thing, he would jump in and fight for it, making sure it was left alone.

<LoZ-BongoBongo>His eye narrows.

"I would advise a creature of shadows not to touch it, especially someone who would abuse it." He stands on his legs, (considering his in his Hylian form). "Someone with a desire for this much power, who doesn't know how to control it, would be taken over by it." He stands to get a better view of Shadow over the piece. "I can sense you don't have the power to handle this. Not only that, but you have no valid reason as to why you want this, therefore, either way, you aren't getting this."

<xShadow-Linkx>Shadow narrowed his eyes back at Bongo and his grin was gone from his face. "…. Why is it everyone doubts my power." He thought. "So taking over the land is not a valid reason? Just going to let pig face always rule the land and not someone else for once? Heh. That won't stop me from stealing it from you. Once I get this piece and all the others, I'll show all the lands that Ganon and Vaati are not the only ones to fear."The temptation just punch the phantom beast was sounding good right about now as he spoke. But it was a wise idea to fight back any urge he had to show he had control over himself.

<LoZ-Queen-Gohma>Shaddie-dear, I'm pretty sure everyone and their great grandmother wants to take over/destroy Hyrule. What I'm curious about, though, is what that rod is... I haven't seen such a thing before. I would suppose it must be made of dark powers, given how both Lord Bongo Bongo and Shadow-dear seem to be attracted to it. I don't suppose that there are multiple of this type of object, but for other elements? That would be interesting to get one's claws on... Although I don't see how it would be of any use to me, anyway. I'm already powerful enough as-is. "I'd be careful with that, dear." If I was correct, that rod could cause great damage; and in addition, there could also be a rod of light that could prove fatal to these two...

<xSkulkidx> Skull Kid watched Shadow nervously. He seemed to be acting rather... Twitchy... He felt anxious and froze. He felt as if someone were watching him. But who? How could he be seen? He was a part of the plants right now, blending in perfectly. But he felt as if the strange pale boy was watching him. He turned back to watch Shadow carefully, and prepared to use a vine to capture Shadow. Hopefully, that would work, and no one would be able to use this monstrous tool.

<LoZ-BongoBongo>Though that was a point, he couldn't help but think that wasn't enough.
"Hmm. I do see your point for wanting this, but, I still cannot put this in your hands. I must see a sense of control from you. And do not think that because if you hold the power of the rod, that you can overpower me and take it for yourself, by the way. I've spent so many years in this chamber, and have studied this weapon for so long, that I know what it has in store. So don't try."

<xShadow-Linkx>"Damn it."He muttered. Now how to get the upper hand on this….without going on instincts. "Ok then…… how about an alliance of some sort? I wouldn't touch the dark piece at all till I had all the other pieces to balance out each other."He half lied. To have more allies may be a good idea to fool any hero to think Shadow was behind this. Then again the downside after all this would be fighting over the land. He'll have to carefully plan and play around each ally's motive if they decide to join.

<LoZ-Queen-Gohma>Out of the corner of my single I, I can see a vine moving of its own accord, and I didn't need affiliation with the darkness to be able to tell that it was not a ghost. I place Bellum on the drum gently and jump back to the wall, crawling towards the source of the vine stealthily, and, before it may move, I sever the vine and thrust an open pincer towards whatever seemed to be controlling it.

<xSkulkidx> Skull Kid lost control of the magic keeping him in the plant matter, and seemingly feel straight down onto the drum, bouncing up and back down, creating a resounding drum echo throughout the room. He groaned and got up, keeping his senses keen and aware, hoping no one here would attack. He wasn't fond of fights, and he felt severely out matched. If push came to shove, he might have to fall back onto the mask. His last resort. He looked up at the Hylian form of Bongo Bongo and smiled sheepishly. "He he... H-hi there...", He said waving nervously. He looked around and felt uneasy. Seems like Gohma was sharper than he'd hoped for. Close call too. He rubbed his shoulder sorely, a small cut from where Gohma nicked him, disrupting his magic.

<LoZ-BongoBongo>"I do not do alliances. Not after what that Dead Hand in the Well did to put me in here after figuring out I was up for a large reward for murder and thievery. He turned me in, while he was an unsuspected criminal. Now look where I am. A giant jail-cell, turned into a Phantom in the shadows by this rod that was put away with me." He averts his gaze over to the Skull Kid, but remains quiet.

<xShadow-Linkx>Before he could answer back Bongo, Shadow's ears twitched to the drum's echoing sound and quickly turned around to see who else was down here now. It was that skull kid. Him! Of all people! That little wooden imp seemed to be the one the goddesses picked to… pun intended but drop down here and ruin his little 'discussion' Without hesitation Shadow summoned his shadow version of the Four Sword and pointed it at the Skull Kid. "What are you doing here!?"

<LoZ-Queen-Gohma>"It appears we have an intruder, boys." I make my way back to the drum, crawling up right beside Shadow-dear. I stare down at the stick-thin figure on the ground with my golden eye; this alone should be considered an honor for him, to be discovered from his hiding place by the magnificent Queen Gohma herself. "I believe you have some explaining to do, lost child of the forest, before either of these charming shadows tear you to pieces."

<xSkulkidx> Skull kid swallowed nervously. He had heard about Gohma from the kokiri, and how she was a bit conceited. Hopefully he could play on it a bit, and lessen the severity of the situation. He always hated fighting. "Eh heh heh heh... Well... I felt like taking a stroll.... and one thing led to another, and here I am! Excellent work by the way your majesty. In all my years of passing through plants and manipulating them, never have I seen someone with an eye as keen as yours!", Skull kid said trying to flatter the armored arachnid. However much he had an ulterior motive, it was true. He had only been caught by one other person. And he was in this very room. Shadow. Skull Kid looked over at Shadow and shimmied away from the sharp object being pointed at him.

<LoZ-BongoBongo>The Shadow Lord continues to stare at Skull Kid. Apparently Shadow wasn't the only one after the rod piece? He gave this a once-thought over. Great. Bongo stands to his feet. He, with great ease and a balance of darkness powers, takes the rod piece in his own hands. He steps back to the edge of his drum, his bare feet hanging out partly over the pit of shadows and acid. The last thing he wanted was for the shadow rod to fall into the hands of an irresponsible being.

<LoZ-Queen-Gohma>"Thanks for the flattery; shame that it won't work on me, brat. I'm far too intelligent for that." I threateningly hold a pincer over the Skull child. "I doubt you were without intention in coming here, lost child. No one merely takes a stroll through the Graveyard and enters this place; at least, no one who isn't the living dead. So speak honestly, or I may have to use more violent means to force the truth out of you... mm?"

<xSkulkidx>Skull kid groaned. It was worth a shot. "Take a look at the one pointing the sword at me. That look in his eyes. I don't trust it. I didn't trust him to begin with when I met him, but he looks.... Wilder... Bloodthirsty... Whatever this rod thing is, I'm afraid that I can't let it fall into his hands... As much as I hate being here, I won't allow him to have it.", Skull kid explained calmly. His age peaking through his simple outwards appearence. He started to tap the drum and tested its elacity. He smirked and jumped up, again, and more, pushing up and over the armored spider, and grabbing hold of a vine, his eyes meeting with the pale boy seated atop Gohma. His eyes seemed that of an innocent boy... But they had an eerie feel about them. Skull kid climbed up as quick as he could, feeling himself at a severe disadvantage. Dead plants were weak and there were so few in this chamber at that. He worried that he might have to fall back to the darker tool he carried... The mask... It felt alive in here... He didn't know what would happen...

<LoZ-BongoBongo>Bongo continues to stare. "I won't let anyone have it, at that is final." At that, he leaps backwards from the drum, landing in the acid pit. It didn't affect him. But anyone else who would try to follow would meet a different fate.
<xShadow-Linkx>Shadow's eyes narrowed as the Skull Kid looked as if he was going to try and escape. 'Coward .' He thought. Why waste energy on pathetic imp when there were bigger fish to fry right now. Shaking his head slowly in a disapproving manner, Shadow turned around and walked over to the edge of the drum where Bongo was at, looking at him with a calm face like Vaati always did to him before the severe beatings for disobeying.

"..…..I gave you chance to side with me and a nice little deal as well, but it seems you won't listen. I could of used that thing to possibly fix the Dark Mirror and as well many of great things after that. Imagine having two of the three greatest dark items ever in your hands." He giggled as the thought passed through his mind. The shadow child then sighed and formed a bomb in his hand and gently tossed the thing into the acid pit, not caring if it exploded from the acid right away or not. All he let out was a sarcastic 'oppps'.

Queenie: I sigh a little. Boys. They always had their little power disputes, and being creatures of the shadow doesn't seem to change that. Ah, well. I stay out of the dispute, for two reasons.

1) Bongo Bongo's safety isn't too concerning, because he is a Lord of Shadows, and undead; thus, he's practically immortal, not to mention nearly (if not just as) strong as I. Actually, to be honest, he's physically more powerful than I am, since he can break my armor easily with one hand. Although I do not say this aloud, a simple bomb wouldn't harm him.

2) I'm more powerful than all four of the boys in here combined, anyway. More magnificent, more graceful... If I were to join in, I'd win quickly. It would be an easy victory (well... aside from the fact that Lord Bongo Bongo's physical strength is great and Shadow is like a son to me, so I'd never hurt him). So I stay to the side.

<xSkulkidx> Skully watched in surprise. Shadow just threw a bomb into the water... It really was confusing. If he wanted that piece so badly, why not just swim after Bongo? He watched quietly, ready to spring into action. If he could, he'd rather just stop Shadow from fighting. Skully really didn't want to use the ma-- That's it. He had an idea. "OI! Leave the guy alone Shadow! Just leave or a certain birdy may let slip to the father of a certain someone, about her relationship with a certain shadow being!", Skully called out in a teasing voice. Hopefully Shadow would bite and his anger would get the better of him. Skull Kid had survived terrible things before. He just really didn't like the pain. It hurt after all

<LoZ-BongoBongo>Bongo stares rather unamused. With the pits partially of shadows, his feet become fused with them. He glides across the pit floor, putting a floating hand in front of his face to shield the flash from the bomb exploding. He looks at Shadow.
"Unless you want your head kept cleanly attached to your body, I suggest you chill out. You're only making it worse on yourself on getting this piece." One of his hylian-sized hands moves infront of Shadow's face and points a small claw at his face as he says that.
"You have no hope of defeating me, especially with your vile explosives. And especially in my own lair."

<xShadow-Linkx>'Great two threats at the same time.' Shadow thought. He just stared at the two unsure what to do now. Especially with a clawed hand already at his face, possibly ready to punch him or something if he were to make any sudden moves.
Queenie: "Ah, ah, ah. Now, what if that birdie was decapitated before he could ever spill the beans?" As if to accentuate my point, I bring a pincer to the back of the Skull Kid's neck, ready to crush his thin neck into nothing if he were to dare make a move. "You mustn't inconvenience someone the lovely Queen Gohma considers a child of hers, now. Or the queen might get angry." I lace my words with false sweetness, the kind that is meant to intimidate.

<xSkulkidx> Skulkid swallowed nervously and groaned. Shadow looked like he was in trouble. Despite how much he didn't want Shadow to have the piece of whatever that thing was, he didn't want Princess Zelda to learn that her beloved was killed due to his unwillingness to help. He groaned and patted Gohma's claws. "You win... But it seems at the moment that he won't last on his own. I hope you don't mind if I try to help him out of here at the very least. I'm not saying I'm willing to let him have this powerful artifact, but it doesn't look like he'll leave without trying. Think of it as an unlikely and very short lasted alliance. I'm only thinking of her happiness. The kingdom would be upset if their princess was also upset.", He spoke softly and shakily to her. Her claw seemed to have so much force and power in it, as if it could crush boulders. He cringed at the thought of his minuscule neck snapping under the pressure of her claw. He hoped to Din that Gohma would be willing to let him help. That may be his only chance to keep the artifact away from Shadow.

<LoZ-BongoBongo>"And, also... To what purpose would you bring to the world with the full staff? Or the possibilities of other timelines? I will simply not give this to you if you either keep fighting me, or you give me an unreasonable purpose with this highly dangerous weapon."
He presses the staff piece to his stomach. It sinks under his flesh and inside of his body, to ensure nobody else could possibly get their hands just in case if he accidentally dropped it if a fight was to actually happen."So. What do you want with it?"

<xShadow-Linkx>Shadow looked away at that question. He honestly didn't want to tell anyone his plans."I want to show the world that our kind shouldn't be ignored. I'm tired of us shadows being forgotten by our light counterparts. Hell I even want to prove I'm better than mine still."Shadow told him part of the truth of his cause. He looked back up again but only at the muscled stomach where the rod was absorbed. His teeth were grinding each other by now. The urge to punch this stupid 'lord' couldn't be contained any longer. Without warning, Shadow leapt at Bongo now, his clawed hands spread out, he didn't care if the lord was surrounded by acid or not, this piece will be his.

<xSkulkidx> Skull kid lept forward and summoned a weak vine to pull Shadow back away from the stoic faced man. Shadow was losing his wits and wasn't realizing that he was going to end up killing himself. He lept in front of Shadow who had been slowed by the vine and kicked him back to the drum. Little did the imp realize that he lost his balance and started to fall into the murky looking water. He fell in with a splash and instantly felt pain, the water, realized to be acid started to eat away at his clothes and skin, making him cry out in pain and anguish. He scrambled up to the drum as fast as he could and gritted his teeth. At this rate... He'd have no choice but to use the mask.... He was just too far out of his element.... Any plants that he could use, held little to no life in them, so taking their life energy to heal his wounds was absurd. He shut his eyes tightly and started to breathe gravely. His skin was peeling away on different parts of his body, and red blotches of blood started to lightly change the color of whatever clothing was untouched by the acid. He looked up at Shadow weakly and glared a moment, beforeclosing his eyes and weakly reaching for the dark object in his possesion. It felt like it was calling out his name, urgeing him to wear it, to use its dark powers. Not like he had felt it in the past. He whispered in a weak voice and made a silent prayer to the goddesses and to the giants. "Please make sure I am protected from this darkness I am about to use..."
Bongo: BongoBongo glares at Shadow as he makes an effort to attack. "Will you not learn?" He sinks into the shadows. His two hands make a strong twitch and begin to enlarge in size. From the ceiling, a large red eye lowers down. From the spine-base of the shadow body, two arms extend out. The rod piece is visible in place on one of the spine vertebrae.

"I was starting to like your idea. But your hasty actions ruined your chance. The only way you can get this is if you can defeat me." He wasn't paying much attention to the Skull Kid. His hands curl into fists and he slams them both into the acid, sending thick globs of the burning purple material into the air and landing in places in the room. The walls, his drum, on his own body. The special drum skin had proven to resist being incinerated by the acid.

Shadow had a shocked look on his face when the week vine had grabbed a hold of his ankle, but what made it worse was when that forest imp jumped in front of him and kicked him in the gut. He landed on the drum, bouncing slightly as his back hit the drum skin.  He slowly sat up and glared at the Skull kid for kicking him. How dare he stop him from attacking the Lord of the temple! "Stop interfering with my plans imp! You ruined my chance to get this thing by negotiations! You two shall get what you deserve!"Shadow started screaming as he threw two bombs at the skull kid, not caring if it was in the middle of putting a mask on. He had completely lost it, his mind was clouded by the rod's powers and his desire to have it. As the shadow child was yelling at the top of his lungs, he hadn't notice it was raining acid in random areas, which he was near one. The purple muck splattered behind him and hit his back, it started chewing away his tunic and then his skin. A little whimper like noise came from Shadow as it did this.

<xSkulkidx> Skull kid finally put the mask on as two bombs bounced next to him. But he didn't pay attention. He wanted to scream, but he couldn't. He was too weak, and he felt the mask gripping the corners mind, corrupting it again. He whimpered weakly and felt the world slow down around him as Majora awakened and from a deep slumber. He couldn't fight back right now... He wouldn't win this one... He could only pray that somehow he would be stopped in this altered state.... If not.... Then it seemed the world was doomed....

Majora: A malevolent smile grows inside me, however I cannot reveal it on my hard, painted mask of a shell I was concealed in. Corruption had such a bittersweet taste to it, luckily for me, these happened to be the two flavours that sent jolts of energy and power through my wooden body. Possession was an easy skill to preform, for I could fully take over the mind of a mortal in merely seconds without any struggles whatsoever. I can feel the poor, ageless Skullkid's fear as I gain control his feeble limbs by corrupting the very corners and creavases of his mind. 'Eheh, I missed you.' I send telepathically to whatever sense of self possession the forest child had left, hovering my multicoloured, radiating gaze from the fist I flexed and to the bombs, beginning to form an idea of what was going on around me. Shooting up into the air to avoid the explosives, I force the possessed being to let out a few insane giggles for me; everyone seemingly wanted something, and if it was that important ...then maybe I wanted it for myself, and everyone should know that whatever Majora wanted, Majora got. I spin around on the face a few times and give the body a single command. 'Get me that object!'

Bongo: He had only begun to realize what was going on as the Skull Kid had placed on the demonic mask. His attention was completely towards him as a hand swings across the drum to grab hold of him.

Shadow felt an overwhelming power coming from the Skull Kid now. 'No. NO! NO! NO! That thing is not going to one up me in this fight!' He screamed in his mind. One of Bongo's hands breaks him out of his little fit. A smirk came across his face. May just may he can use the Skull Kid as a distraction as he tries to remove that piece from the phantom's spin. Gohma was going to stay out of this unless something bad happens and Bellum…… well was Bellum. So this left only that imp with a demonic mask. 'Shadow swiftly flew towards Bongo from the side. Soon my wonderful rod of destruction. I will have you.'

<xSkulkidx>Skull Kid's mind felt darker. He smirked and cackled with glee. What an idiot he had been, who could resist such power?! It felt glorious! Who cares about saving the pathetic little Shadow? Not him! Not anymore! He stopped for a moment when he saw the Rod piece in Bongo's spine. He smirked under the mask. Too easy. He remembered his conversation with the fire man, the Flare Dancer. The elemental rod... He smirked and nodded. He would have them. ALL of them. "Iiiiii'mmmm Baaaaacck!~", He called out to the world with a hiss of glee. He glanced at the hand coming towards him and flicked a finger at it, stopping it dead in its tracks. And he had been worried? What a weakling he had been. It felt so much better to feel power at his fingertips. He glanced at the Shadow and motioned for him to go ahead and grab the Shadow Piece. It didn't matter if the kid grabbed it. It would be his in the end. Skull kid smiled deviously and wondered what to do to the insignificant shadow after he retrieved the piece. Kill him? No, too quick. Torture him? Too messy. AH YES! But what to turn him into? Skull Kid's smile grew at the possibilities. He looked to Bongo Bongo and started to shake the mask, attempting to pull the master of the temple into a trance if only that.

Bongo: The beast's flower-like eyelid closes. The Rod shimmers and cloaks his body in pitch black shadows. "I will not lose again, not like I did to the Hero of Time!" The disabled hand cracks and breaks free of it's idle movement and once again rises into the air.

Shadow: 'Crap. Where the hell did he go!'Shadow thought as he looked around the room wildly. That rod was too strong for him to pick out where the phantom had gone in the darkness that the rod was dispersing. 'Wait….Maybe I could merge with the shadows and it'll take me to him. And once there I could try to manipulate them to pull it out of him!' Of course this was great idea. Wwithout thinking twice, Shadow merged into the shadows hoping that he can merge into Bongo's cloak to pull out the rod. Like Bongo had the power to throw him out of the shadows!

Skull Kid: As Shadow merged with the shadows Skull kid mumbled bitterly. This little trick would make it a bit more difficult to take the rod from the whelp. No matter. As soon as he became solid, Skull Kid would just take away his powers before turning him into something harmless. A Keaton seemed like an appropriate form for this "all bark, no bite" wimp. How delightfully amusing it would be to see him flip out over a simple transformation and loss of powers. But what to seal his powers in? He smirked and shrugged. He'd figure that out later, but for now, he needed to be able to see where this master of shadows was. To his left? no... To his right? nope... That left in front of him, and behind him. Or possibly above him... He floated upwards and snapped his fingers forcing a multitude of vines to sprout forth and drape down around the entire chamber. If Bongo so much as turned solid, he would know where the massive fool was.

Bongo: Seeing into the trick of the Skull Kid, he decides to mess with him. One of his cloaked hands suddenly breaks down into multiple Wall-Masters. The Wallmaster jump into the ceiling. They start to scurry though the vines. Though they would not last long in a temple of death and decay, the hands would pose a neat distraction. His massive body connecting to the ceiling brushes past the vines. But to a confusing sight to the Skull Kid, multiple other vines move just as violently as the ones that are around his body.
Now, where did that Shadow kid go to...

Shadow: If he could grin right now in this form he would be right about now. He had successfully slipped through Bongo's little defense and was now carefully going up the phantom's back. He stopped at once when he seen an odd silver spinal bone poking out. That was the rod. Thank the goddesses that crazed forest imp was distracting him else for sure he would have been detected of some sort. Shadow made himself solid once more and gently placed his hands on the piece and began pulling at the rod. He was going to have this piece either way now that his hands had a hold of it.

Skull Kid: Multitudes of vines shook and moved, but Skull kid was smarter than that. He knew Bongo wouldn't willingly try to make himself noticed. In a game of the wits, Skull Kid would match them time and again. He glanced around and smiled wildly as he noticed Shadow solid and visible. Perfect. He swung from the vines and blasted them and the Wall-Masters clinging to them away. He zoomed forward landing next to Shadow and cackling a bit, his hand engulfed with a dark flame like essence. He plunged his hand around the rotting flesh and grabbed a part of the rod. He looked up at Shadow and tilted his head. "You're still here? I don't need you anymore, so fade away little mutt!", He said as he blasted Shadow off of Bongo and onto the drum. He ripped the rod out quickly and fiercely and shook his head back and forth, staring deep into his crazed eyes.

Soon the little shadow would TRULY be a mutt. As for Bongo, he would figure something out for the rotten lump of muscle. His smile grew as he channeled energy into the rod, making it empowered from the dark energies of the mask. Skull kid sent out copies, mere illusions of himself out and about to trick Bongo. He smirked, knowing full well that regular illusions wouldn't trick him, which is why he empowered the rod, allowing himself to sneak away unnoticed in a nearby vine. He moved closer towards the exit and smirked. This was all too easy.

Bongo: It had happened all too fast. Way too fast. One moment he was about to crush the measly beings before him with the swipe of a hand, the next, that masked imp had moved at the flash of an eye and ripped the very being of the rod out of his spine. The dark beast suddenly finds himself slumped over against the drum. "That rod. Is NOT leaving." The beast grumbles under his breath. Both of his hands come together, and start tapping on the drum. It suddenly sinks a foot into the acid, and breaks into the ground underneath. At the top of the temple, the very entrance the Hero of Time used, suddenly breaks loose from it's ancient gear-like structure holding itself up, and slams closed into the ground.

The temple, Kakariko Village, and even Death Mountain would begin to feel the tremors. 'Creatures of the temple, conceal yourselves in the dark. Protect yourselves as I preform this harsh action to your burial chambers to stop the ancient artifact from escaping!' The thought went from his mind, to the natural beings of the Shadow Temples minds. Under their Lord's command, they disappear under the grounds and tombs of their burial. The walls and ceilings start to cave in. The place was going down. 'I am unsure for my safety, but I would rather risk my own life than let that artifact lay in the wrong hands...!'

Shadow: Shadow landed near Gohma from the blast of dark energy that had hit him. His mind was clearing up from the rods influences now from that curse the imp had placed on him. He could once again feel his own body feeling weak, limp,…and unusually more solid then it usually was, and pain like his body frame was changing. What was going on? And why was he here? The last thing he could remember was being in Karakriko looking for….. that piece! That goddess damn shadow rod had toyed with him! Soon he was snapped out of his thoughts as Bongo began beating his drum. The whole temple was rattling from its rhythmic beats….was the lord of the temple trying to seal something from escaping his domain?

It was hard to tell with his vision fading around him from the mysterious pain he was having. All Shadow's body was telling him to do was sleep and forget this realm for now until your body is recovered. As he closed his eyes he could have sworn he seen lots of skull kids with different mask running around in the room. In fact one with a Keaton mask had seemed to be watching him and giggling at him and saying he truly was a mutt now. Those words and that mask kept echoing in his mind as he slept into a nightmare that would finish his transformation into Keaton.

Bellum: A disquieting sense of overwhelming darkness awakened Bellum. Before truly leaving the coveted, surreal world of dreams, he stares up with his brilliant, dark eyes and a hazed vision. The collapsing of the Shadow Temple was merely a vibration against his ivory skin; what in Hyrule was going on ...and how long had he exactly been asleep, where was he?

Seeing the ceiling and walls becoming unstable and beginning to fall apart, the Evil Phantom acts quick, morphing into the large and aquatic golden beast, taking the familiar fox-like creature in one of his sleek tentacles, using his own, titanium-like skin to block off anything potentially fatal that fell. He shot multiple icy glares with his master-eye at the queen arachnid in an attempt to ask her to lead the way out (he didn't even see the way around in the first place, he was too busy being a lazy bum, taking a nap on Gohma as a Hylian, so flying around in an attempt to find a way out would be futile), then looking up swiftly and often to block the debris. What in hell did Shadow Link get himself into-!? This was worse than what Bellum could even get /himself/ into, and Bellum has done some things that were absolutely ridiculous!

Queenie: Oh, what the-- as the temple begins to crumble, I do the first thing that comes to mind and put two pincers around Shadow and Bellum protectively. The children come first! Quickly, I jump onto the falling larger bits of debris to crawl out of Lord Bongo Bongo's chambers, and make my way out of the temple from there. Did Shadow get what he needed? I can't tell for now, as I preoccupy myself with getting the boys out of here, safe and sound. "Honestly, the things boys end up doing these days..." I mutter to myself, silently wondering how I'd phased out during the fighting amongst the males until they tore the Shadow Temple apart.

Skull Kid: Cackling inwardly, Skull Kid rapidly made the roots of the vines, grow through the cracks in the stones and the earth, flowing as fast as he could. Nothing would stop him from this, and the idiot Bongo underestimated his power now. The illusions were a small distraction for the weaker minded still trapped in the chamber. Skull kid didn't care if they even escaped in time. For all he cared, they could all die in the presence of the dead. Ironic, yet perfectly amusing. The root shot out of the earth and Skull Kid phased out of it, taking full form and cackling aloud. He pulled the piece out of his shirt and relished in his victory. Now to see about the Flare Dancer. Perhaps he would be willing to part with knowledge if Skull Kid put up a good enough act. It would be simple enough. He pocketed the rod and grew a deku nut. A perfect place to seal the powers of a Shadow away, in a seed that creates a bright flash when opened. Ironic and a decent hiding place. Skull Kid leapt up and started towards his home in the forest. He needed to come up with a plan, and he had to hide the deku nut away. He felt like he did four hundred years ago, and he was enjoying every second of it. As he leapt away, he never heard the root he left out in the open, expand, and form a tunnel from the surface, to the chamber below. The true light within Skull Kid was reaching out, but he could not regain control alone.

Queenie: I glance back at the Skull Kid as I escape into the graveyard, then to Kakariko, to be a safe distance away. Placing the boys on the ground and looking over the damage, I wonder; did that object Shadow was looking for do this? It seems likely. Inwardly sighing; men..., I check both boys for injuries. Hopefully they're okay... Of course, with me being their protector, I've no doubts that they are. I am great, after all~
part 2 of the Campaign going on
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